EMEF: An Impact Investment Case Study (2018)

Aug 4, 2023

The Edwards Mother Earth Foundation (EMEF) hired Caprock in 2015 to further the organization’s mission to combat climate change. Specifically, they asked Caprock to allocate their $35 million corpus in a manner that could deliver both competitive financial returns and quantifiable environmental benefits. EMEF wanted more than just values alignment within their Fixed Income and Public Equity positions; they also sought values advancement through allocations to private markets. More pointedly, the Foundation wanted to incorporate this impact intentionality across their entire portfolio.

At the time, this approach was boldly unique; few foundations, if any, had adopted such a strategic focus on impact investing and maintained their financial return expectations. But EMEF has been quite pleased with the results.

Therefore, both the Foundation and Caprock wanted to provide this case study for the financial services industry. The hope when we wrote the document in 2018 is the same as today: that by sharing our collective efforts, we can motivate more investors to allocate with impact intentionality.

EMEF: An Impact Investment Case Study

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